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IOscopy together with Oscopy form plotting program for electrical simulation data.

IOscopy is a front-end application built on top of IPython. The combination of Python, IPython and oscopy back-end make IOscopy a powerful tool for data viewing and post-processing. Support for simple arithmetic operations as complex functions like FFT is included. Input file re-reading (updates) can be triggered by external applications like gEDA suite through D-Bus messaging system, and then IOscopy can call netlist generator and electrical simulator programs automatically. IOscopy uses oscopy as back-end to manage files, signals, plots.

Oscopy is a back-end written in python designed to simplify the electrical design workflow. It allow to read, view and post-process signals with support for automatic dependency tracking.
Oscopy can be easily extended to a multi-purpose viewer, as adding new data file formats and new types of plots is really easy.

The mains features of IOscopy are:

  • Post-processing: math expressions (arithmetic, trigonometric, boolean, fft)
  • View, examine: multiple windows, cursors, zoom with mouse wheel, span
  • Data import: see below
  • Data export: gnucap, pictures
  • Dependency tracking of Signals during input file updates
  • Scripting
  • Integration with other tools: Run netlister and simulator from oscopy, run ioscopy from gEDA's gschem
  • D-Bus support: update recursively Signals by sending events from external program (e.g. gschem)
  • Drag and drop of signals between windows

Data examination

Zoom with the mouse wheel

Move similar plots with scrolls bars

Select span with mouse when function enabled

Supported input formats

Format Description Notes
Gnucap Text format from Gnucap
Cazm Text format from CaZM
Nsout NanoSim format from Synopsis Independent variable assumed to be Time
Spice2raw Berkeley Spice2G6 raw format Only one dataset per file, Date and Time fields not processed
Spice3raw Berkeley Spice3 format ascii and binary format supported, real and complex numbers supported. Only one simulation per file.
Hspice Hspice format ascii and binary format supported. Only one sweep per file. Auto signals are note returned, only probe signals are. Endianness is not managed in binary mode.
Touchstone® Touchstone® s2p and co. from IBIS Open Forum Version 1 and 2.0 supported. for version 1 uses the file extension to determine the number of ports ('.snp' where n is 1-4). Noise parameter data is read and stored in['noise_param']. Mixed mode parameters of version 2.0 not supported.


Support for mathematic with signals is implemented. Supported functions:

  • Arithmetic functions: +, -, *, /, …
  • Trigonometric functions: sin, cos, asin, …
  • Booleans
  • FFT: fft, ifft…

Complete list reported in numpy.ufuncs and numpy.fft


In each Graph, horizontal and vertical cursors can be toggled by using keys '1', '2', '3' and '4'.

Drag and drop

Drop a file into the main window to open it and then drag signals to figures to insert them.

features.txt · Last modified: 2015/01/11 21:43 by