Table of Contents
Download and install
Install the dependencies
Note: the current dependencies below are for experimental branch
Requested dependencies for building and downloading
- autoconf
- gettext
- intltool >= 0.41.0
- git
Requested dependencies for execution
- python
- python-gtk2
- ipython3
- python3-numpy
- python3-matplotlib
- python3-dbus
- python3-xdg
- python3-gi >= 3.14
- python3-gi-dev >= 3.14
Optional dependencies to run demo/demo.oscopy
- geda-gaf and more specifically gschem and gnetlist
- gnucap
Tested on oldstable (Squeeze) and unstable (Sid) as of 04/2013.
Will not install on Squeeze due to default release ipython 0.10.
Shall install on Wheezy (not tested).
- Install git, autotools and related packages:
# apt-get git autoconf gettext intltool python-gtk2-dev
- Install oscopy dependencies:
# apt-get install ipython python-matplotlib
- Optional: to execute demo.oscopy script install geda and gnucap
# apt-get install geda gnucap
Tested on Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal
- Install git, autotools and related packages:
$ sudo apt-get install git autoconf gettext intltool python-gtk2-dev
- Install oscopy dependencies:
$ sudo apt-get install ipython python-matplotlib
- Optional: to execute demo.oscopy script install geda and gnucap
$ sudo apt-get install geda gnucap
Tested on Fedora 18
- Install git, autotools and related packages (maybe needed to run the command twice ?)
# yum install git autoconf gettext intltool pygtk2-devel gcc
- Install oscopy dependencies:
# yum install ipython dbus-python
- Optional: to execute demo.oscopy script install geda and gnucap
# yum install geda-gaf gnucap
Note that in Fedora 18 default geda-gaf and gnucap appear to be very old version and might not run demo/demo.oscopy correctly.
Download the source
The source can be downloaded from
or from Github:
To download it:
$ git clone git://
Optional: to use experimental branch
$ cd oscopy $ git pull git:// experimental
Install oscopy
Once the source downloaded, assuming in oscopy/
$ cd oscopy $ ./ && ./configure && make install
Additional notes
Note that you might need to update your PYTHONPATH
, for example if you install it in ${HOME}/geda
, to launch oscopy you might need the following lines:
$ export PYTHONPATH=${HOME}/geda/lib/python2.X/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH $ export PATH=$PATH:${HOME}/geda/bin
gEDA/gschem integration
Oscopy can be commanded from gEDA/gschem. To use gschem integration, you will need to use the same –prefix
that you used to install gschem.
See also this page on how to integrate with gschem.